Plastic structural film made of PVC for creating a surface relief from chocolate.
Spread the chocolate on the foil using an offset spatula. Then let it harden to a temperature of about 17°C (the chocolate is still soft, but not runny). Then you can carve or cut out different shapes or press the foil, for example, on the side of the cake. Put it in the fridge and let it harden completely. After about 15 minutes, remove the foil.
How to use the film can be found HERE . Foil transfer can be used in the same way.
The foil can also be used for the structural surface of coated cakes. Roll out the mass and immediately apply the foil. Then use an iron or a roller to run over the film with strong pressure. Then remove it and let the mass set for a while. Transfer to the cake and do not smooth any more.
Can be used repeatedly. Wash by hand.