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Pliers large - Serrated heart

Pliers large - Serrated heart
Kleštičky velké - Srdce zoubkované
Catalog number: 330
EAN: 2017000015352
Discount 29%
Limited number of pieces

Pattern size approx. 1.9 cm.

You save: 0,87 € i.e.29.33%
Common price: 2,98 €
In stock
2,1 € s DPH / ks

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The tongs are intended for the final decorating of cakes. We place them, for example, on the perimeter of the cake or on the rolled cord, which is cleaned at the bottom edge, press and pinch. It is not recommended to press the pliers all the way to the stop, otherwise the material will chip off.

Instructions with pictures can be found here .


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