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About us

It was 2009 and I wanted to buy a birthday cake for my one-year-old daughter. So I went to the local pastry shop to order her something nice. The saleswoman presented me with an old faded and dusty poster with pictures of ugly and completely unsuitable cakes for children.

I was very disappointed and returned home with nothing. I thought to myself that it was impossible for the confectionary world to offer only such horrors as I had just seen. I sat down at the computer and started surfing the Internet. What I discovered was an absolute dream. Beautiful and colorful children's cakes on various themes, decorated with countless fairy-tale figurines and animals.

I contacted the confectioner whose cakes appealed to me the most. Unfortunately, I had no idea that it was necessary to order well in advance. She replied that she would like to make a cake, but unfortunately, due to capacity reasons, it is not possible so quickly.

So my sister and I decided to bake it at home. It was made with love and everyone loved it. However, the thoughts of baking and decorating cakes did not leave me even after that. I had to constantly think about the confectionery world that I had just discovered. What can be created with the help of imagination, quality ingredients and handy tools. The pastry shop enchanted me.

I browsed various websites and found that many amateur women were baking for their families, friends and acquaintances and I decided to give it a try too. It was clear to me that I would have to learn a lot to create similar artwork that I saw online, but I enjoyed baking and decorating so I wanted to give it a try. ????

I knew I needed coating material, but unfortunately at that time there were not many of them sold in our market, and they were also very expensive. When I calculated all the costs for ingredients and labor, I began to doubt whether making cakes would even pay off for me.

One day I discovered, on a site offering pastry supplies, a coating made in Hungary. I was excited because I'm Hungarian myself. So I focused on Hungarian manufacturers of coating materials, because it was clear to me that products directly from them would be significantly cheaper.

After a long search I finally found it. However, they only sold within their country. Nevertheless, they decided to oblige me and send 2 kg of Formix coating material. They also told me that if I am satisfied with their goods, cooperation is possible.

When the package arrived, I wondered what to do next. How to do it? What to compare matter to? How should it taste, smell, what properties should it have? Confectionery was a completely unknown area for me. And so I thought of contacting the owner of a large confectionery forum, who had extensive experience in this field, to see if she would try and test the substance. I really liked her work, so I wanted to know her opinion.

So I wrote her a message and she willingly agreed. In 2009, only two types of coating materials were available here, and therefore another quality material on the market would be suitable. I divided the Formix into several pieces and gave them to pastry shops in my area to get more opinions on working with the material.

Coincidentally, the confectionery forum was just organizing a meeting of amateur pastry chefs, so Formix got there so that the women present could try it and evaluate its properties. After the event, I received feedback that the substance is very tasty, it dyes well, but it is too soft for modeling and does not hold its shape when creating figurines. Also, the fact that it does not contain any additives or dyes made everyone very happy, as it would also suit customers who require a natural composition.

And that's when it first occurred to me that, rather than being a confectioner, I would find it more fulfilling to sell material and thereby help those skilled women and men create their works of art. ????

Full of enthusiasm, I sent an offer of cooperation to everyone who owned a pastry shop or sold pastry tools. I was looking forward to their reaction and ordered the first 60 kg of Formix. I expected great success, given that at the time the competition was minimal.

After approximately two weeks of waiting for a response, which did not come, I again turned to the owner of the discussion forum with a proposal to see if she would like to promote Formix among Czech and Slovak confectioners.

She willingly agreed, as she too wanted the market for confectionary ingredients to be more varied and of better quality. And at that time, wholesale sales in this field were not as developed as they are today, so the prices were very low. Curiosity and the low cost of acquiring the mass was the attraction for many confectioners, and therefore the business slowly started to take off. I took my small business as extra income during my maternity leave.

I spent every free moment packing orders and handling correspondence at night. I drew a lot of advice from the discussion forum, from its owner, but also from skilled confectioners. Competing e-shops sent packages once a week, I decided to supply my customers every day. I have determined that every package ordered by 12 o'clock will be sent the same day. This rule still applies today. ????

At that time, my daughter was still small and I went to the post office every day with a stroller to send packages. There were so many of them that many times it happened that the daughter had to find her own, because there was no room left in her stroller for her, for the packages themselves. We almost blocked the mail several times. There was so much interest in Formix. And when I really didn't have time to deliver the parcels within the normal opening hours, my husband helped me deliver the parcels to the main post office in Prague, which was open until midnight. But I always followed the delivery.

I believe that my tenacity and enthusiasm, as well as listening to the needs and wishes of my future customers, have earned me a wide clientele and I strive to maintain this high standard of service even after 14 years of business in this beautiful industry.

With the growing number of customers and the demand for our material, shops with confectionary supplies also began to respond. Confectioners and confectioners began to prefer Formix and the demand increased.

The world of home confectioners and small establishments completely captivated and fascinated me. On weekends, we attended their gatherings, which were very frequent at the time and were held all over the country. It was a community of very friendly men and women who helped each other and passed on knowledge of pastry techniques and skills. I learned a lot from them. They were always willing to give me advice on how to improve my business to everyone's satisfaction. There aren't that many meetings these days, so at least we sponsor various confectionary competitions.

As the business grew, I needed more and more help. And then my husband also joined the company. His occasional help was no longer enough, but the business had to be devoted to every day. We wanted to always bring something new to our customers, and our assortment lacked a substance that not only had an excellent taste, but also great modeling properties. So we described our requirements to the manufacturer of Formix. We were looking for a product that would meet the highest demands of both amateur and professional confectioners and whose price would remain affordable for everyone. After three months of development, the manufacturer told us in mid-December that he had a Christmas present for us in the form of a new modeling material called Smartflex Velvet. We immediately had the substance tested by the cooperating confectioners. On the discussion forum, there was a vote for the most requested flavor and weight of the new product. Based on the results, we then had the five most preferred flavors (almond, chocolate, vanilla, orange and cherry) produced, and over time they were supplemented by two more (lemon and strawberry).

Over time, we have built an e-shop that offers everything confectioners and bakers need, i.e. a wide range of ingredients and tools. We emphasize individuality, so that everyone can choose from us.

In 2016, we organized a large confectionary festival where confectionary artists from Europe and Asia gathered. The international jury evaluated an abundance of beautiful competition exhibits in several categories, and the winner qualified for the World Patisserie Championship in Milan.

For our customers, we organized various courses led by Czech and foreign lecturers, in which I assisted as a translator. I really enjoyed this activity and I was very pleased to be near the confectioners and share their passion and creativity with them.

We are extremely grateful to all the confectioners who guided us on this difficult but beautiful journey and grew with us. And we again with them. It's been 14 years since we've been building our relationship together, and we know that we could never have done it without you.

We take the long years spent in the confectionery world as our mission. We wish that our relationships were still as personal and friendly, and although we no longer meet our customers in stores as often as before, we are always happy to support pastry chefs in their creations. We are here for every enthusiast, be it a beginner or a professional.

We are constantly looking for new products from domestic and foreign production and we place great emphasis on the quality of goods. We strive to meet your requirements, so don't be afraid to write us your comments and ideas on how we can improve our services. We do our work with love, and not only us, but also our employees.

We are extremely grateful to all confectioners who accompanied us on this amazing path of growth and development. And although it has been 14 years since we founded the company, it is still a fresh and beautiful memory for us.

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