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Small plastic mold for coffee beans

Small plastic mold for coffee beans
Plastová forma na kávová zrna malá
Catalog number: ZRNO2
EAN: 2021000005305
Discount 30%
Limited number of pieces
You save: 4,69 € i.e.29.87%
Common price: 15,68 €
In stock
11 € s DPH / ks

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Hardened plastic is suitable for the dishwasher, and a big advantage is the fact that it does not stick to the mold during production, and thanks to this, the molded grains easily tip out of the mold.

Grain size: 3 x 4.2 cm.

Mold size: 33 x 17 cm.

22 pcs of grains on the mold.


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