Italian Soffritto can add maximum flavor to bold meats such as roast or stewed beef and is ideal for sauces, soups and seafood dishes. It is an absolute necessity when preparing risotto.
What exactly is SOFFRITTO?
Sofrito is an aromatic mixture of vegetables, herbs and spices that is used to flavor legumes, fish, meat, rice or sauces. It has a centuries-old history - the first mention of sofrito was found in the cookbook "Libre de Sent Soví", which was written around 1324 and contains recipes from the Catalan region of Spain. Sofrito is a Spanish word that means "lightly fried". The recipe and use of Soffritta was later adopted throughout the Mediterranean. In Italian cuisine, chopped onions, carrots and celery are used to make battuto, which is then slowly cooked/fried in olive oil and turned into a soffritto. The vegetables must be cut into equal sized pieces so that they cook evenly and must be fried on a low heat in oil and/or butter for about 15-20 minutes until all the pieces are golden brown.
Our SOFFRITTO BAUER in a nutshell will make this tedious work easier for you.
- NO monosodium glutamate
- Gluten-free
- WITHOUT lactose
- NO hydrogenated fats
- NO added sugars
- With iodized sea salt
Dissolve 1 cube of Soffritto Vegetable (10g) in a little oil or water in a saucepan and prepare the base for your dish. Then continue to prepare meat, fish, vegetables or sauces according to your favorite recipe, checking to see if salt needs to be added towards the end of cooking.
Iodized sea salt: 42.7%, certified sustainable palm oil (RSPO), dehydrated vegetables in various amounts (carrots, onions, potatoes, parsley, leeks, celery , garlic, tomatoes): 16%, yeast extract, rosemary.
Contains allergens: celery.
The product is hygroscopic, store it in a cool and dry place. Duration 36 months.